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  Name: WanderingTonberry
E-mail: tribal_huntress @
Website: None | Journal
Final Fantasy VIII

Art In Me

[Summary] Zell takes a sudden interest in the nude model who's posing for his art class. But just who IS this mysterious man? Wish we could see his face...
[Pairing] Seifer X Zell
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon PWP Humour
[Added] 18 June 2002

Art In Me



[Summary] Through the darkness, I rush to him...My only cure...
[Pairing] Seifer X Zell
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon PWP
[Added] 18 June 2002



I Know a Movie Star

[Summary] We've all known obsession with the beautiful people of the entertainment industry, and it's apparently no different for the guys of Balamb Garden.
[Pairing] Seifer X Zell, Squall X Irvine
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon PWP Humour
[Added] 18 June 2002

I Know a Movie Star


Life In the Thing That Smacks Into Things

[Summary] The big night has arrived and the festival is about to take place. How will the Tonberry ever survive the night?
[Pairing] Seifer X Zell, Squall X Nida
[Warning] PG-13 Humour
[Added] 18 June 2002

Chapter 1 - The People

Chapter 2 - The Places

Chapter 3 - The Planning

Chapter 4 - The Event


Time After Time

[Summary] Seifer and Zell are still on that bonding retreat with Selphie...
[Pairing] Seifer X Zell, Squall X Irvine
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon
[Added] 18 June 2002
[Status] Work In Progress | Updated: 18 June 2002

Chapter 1 - Asa (morning)

Chapter 2 - Mizu (water)

Chapter 3 - Omoide (memory)

Chapter 4 - Hoshi (star)

Chapter 5 - Konran (confusion)

Chapter 6 - Bataa (butter)

Chapter 7 - Kissu (kiss)

Chapter 8 - Kokuhaku (confession)

Chapter 9 - Shinshi (gentleman)

Chapter 10 - Shunkan (moment)

Chapter 11 - Yoru (night)

Chapter 12 - Ongaku (music)

Chapter 13 - Denwa (phone)

Chapter 14 - Andon (lantern)


Where Angels Sing

[Summary] A young man crying out for his lover.
[Pairing] Seed X Klaus
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon Deathfic Angst
[Added] 18 June 2002

Where Angels Sing