author file
author profile
  Name: Jamaica
E-mail: shortegio @
Website: Glass Papyrus | Livejournal
Final Fantasy VIII

Barbed Wire

[Summary] After Ultimecia, everyone's life changed majorly. This is about how each of them deals when a series of events unleashed on them out of nowhere.
[Pairing] Seifer X Squall, Irvine X Quistis, and Zell X Selphie
[Warning] M15 Lime Language, angst
[Added] 22 August 2001

Part I - Discoveries

Part II - Complications

Part III - Explosives

Part IV - Turmoils

Part V - Salvages

Part VI - Aftermaths



[Summary] Squall and the rest are all normal people in a normal American univeristy in a normal town in Connecticut. Yeah, right. Everything is turned upside down once Squall set foot in his off-campus house with 3 other housemates. Dark setting.
[Pairing] Seifer X Squall
[Warning] R Lime AU | Angst, language, non-consensual, disturbing content
[Added] 22 April 2002
[Status] Work In Progress | Updated: 10 August 2002

Connecticut - Prologue

Connecticut - Chapter 1

Connecticut - Chapter 2

Connecticut - Chapter 3

Connecticut - Chapter 4

Connecticut - Chapter 5

Connecticut - Chapter 6

Connecticut - Chapter 7

Connecticut - Chapter 8

Connecticut - Chapter 9

Connecticut - Chapter 10
Connecticut - Chapter 11

Connecticut - Chapter 12

Connecticut - Chapter 13

Connecticut - Chapter 14

Connecticut - Chapter 15

Connecticut - Chapter 16

Connecticut - Chapter 17

Connecticut - Chapter 18


Dissolved Girl

[Summary] A confused young man ventures out into the night along to find... what?
[Pairing] Seifer X Squall
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon AU Songfic | Angst, non-consensual
[Added] 25 December 2003

Dissolved Girl