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  Name: lyrebird
E-mail: clare_chew @
Website: LB*M | Journal
Card Captor Sakura

Sakura, her Lion and her Departing Friend

[Summary] Tomoyo leaves for Hollywood, and Sakura is devastated. Can Cerberus offer some guidance on what to do?
[Pairing] Sakura X Cerberus, Sakura X Tomoyo
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon Sexual contact between human & lion (not intercourse)
[Added] 25 December 2003

Sakura, her Lion and her Departing Friend

Yami no Matsuei

Umbral Embrace

[Summary] Post-Kyoto arc, Hisoka wants to improve himself by mastering the sword. Tatsumi appears to support his efforts, but proves to be the greatest obstacle of all.
[Pairing] Tatsumi X Hisoka
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon Angst, spoilers for the Kyoto-arc
[Added] 29 April 2005

Umbral Embrace