Glorfindel's Darkest Hour

Chapter 16 - Sweet Cake And Hot Milk

By Morgana


Erestor tiptoed into his rooms, trying to move soundlessly as Glorfindel was resting on the bed. Had talking to Elrond taken him this long? As he reached the bed, he sat down, watching Glorfindel sleep. A golden glow seemed to burn from deep within, giving the Elda a warm and caring appearance. Sighing deeply, he raised a hand and gently brushed some stray locks out of the blond’s face. "You are beautiful, melamin."

Glorfindel moved at hearing Erestor’s voice and he smiled lazily, looking into affectionate eyes. "You are back. What took you so long?" Pushing himself into an upright position, he yawned sleepily.

"I am worried about Elrond," admitted Erestor, reaching for the tray with food items and hot tea water, which a servant had brought whilst he had been gone. Using the herbs Elrond had given him, he prepared the tea.

"Worried?" questioned Glorfindel. Seeing Erestor reach for the fruits was enough to make his stomach contract painfully. "I do not think I can eat anything."

"Elrond thinks these herbs will help to calm your stomach." Erestor finished preparing the tea and handed it to Glorfindel. "Try it. Maybe it will work."

Glorfindel sipped slowly as the tea was still rather hot. "You mentioned being worried about Elrond; why?"

"He looked tired." Erestor shrugged. "’Tis a feeling. I have known him for millennia and something feels off."

Glorfindel sighed distressed. "When I asked him why he had taken me into his bed, he said he was lonely. Maybe he misses appropriate company? He always seems so sad. I tried to distract him…" Glorfindel blushed, seeing Erestor’s knowing expression, "but in the end, even that was not enough. His heart yearns for true love." Glorfindel raised a hand and tenderly caressed Erestor’s skin, trailing his fingers down the Elf’s jaw line. "I want him to have what I have."

"We cannot force this," said Erestor thoughtfully. "Love happens in its own time. We will keep an eye on him though."

Glorfindel’s features contorted, finally finishing his tea. "It tastes awfully bitter."

"That would be a small price to pay if it takes away your morning sickness." Erestor took hold of the now empty cup and ran his fingers through the tangled blond locks. "Would you like me to braid your hair for you?"

Glorfindel nodded, a blissful expression appearing on his face. "Aye, I would like that."

Erestor got to his feet and retrieved comb and brush. Sitting down behind Glorfindel, he wondered how close the blond wanted him. He received his answer when the Elda moved toward him, leaning his back against his chest. Inhaling his lover’s musky scent, he smiled into the golden hair. "I love you." He would never grow tired of saying those words!

Glorfindel purred and looked over his shoulder at the raven-haired Elf. "I love you as well, nîn bellas." He then bowed his head slightly, giving Erestor access to the tangled mess of golden hair.

Gently, Erestor removed the tangles from Glorfindel’s still damp hair and then began to braid it. "Is your stomach already settling down?" This was the first time that the blond wasn’t making his way into the bathroom because he felt nauseous.

Glorfindel frowned, suddenly realizing that his stomach had calmed. "Elrond’s potion is working," he said relieved. "I hope it will keep its effect throughout the day." Whilst Erestor’s fingers continued to move through his hair --braiding it -- he reached for the tray and selected a piece of fruit, slowing peeling and then eating the orange. He waited, curious if his stomach would act up again. Nothing happened and that encouraged him to reach for an apple, already sliced into small parts.

Erestor felt pleased, seeing Glorfindel eat the fruits. Elrond’s potion was working all right. Finishing the plaits, he then swept aside any remaining locks and placed a chaste kiss at the nape of the blond’s neck. The fact that Glorfindel accepted his caress, and didn’t flinch at his touch, filled him with happiness. He had been scared that the Elda wouldn’t be able to bear any touch for a very long time. Thankfully, he had been wrong. "It looks like your stomach is capable of handling food again."

Glorfindel nodded happily. This time, he pulled a chunk from the loaf of freshly baked bread and nibbled on it. The cheese proved tempting as well and he managed a few bites of it. "Remind me to drink a cup of that tea each morning."

"I will." Erestor involuntarily held his breath when Glorfindel leaned his back against his chest after the Elda had finished eating. Cautiously, he wrapped his arms around Glorfindel. He tried hard to keep the embrace loose, though he instinctively wanted to tighten it protectively. "Are you still comfortable like this?"

"More than comfortable," sighed Glorfindel blissfully. "Being close to you always makes me feel better."

"It is the bond," whispered Erestor in an unguarded moment. His eyes widened in fright, realizing what had just slipped from his lips.


Hearing the wonder in Glorfindel’s voice, Erestor knew he had to act quickly. "Aye, I do believe there is a bond forming between us."

Glorfindel carefully considered the words. He felt like he was missing a very important piece to this puzzle. "You are right; there is a bond -- a connection -- between us. I realized that when I went to Elrond for comfort instead of you. I only feel comfortable when you are close. Aye, I think you are correct; we are bonding."

Erestor involuntarily released a relieved sigh. He felt extremely fortunate that Glorfindel wasn’t questioning him further. "I like the idea of a bond between us. How do you feel about that?" His heart thumped nervously, hoping Glorfindel liked the idea as well.

Glorfindel nodded once and then looked over his shoulder at Erestor. "I like being bonded to you. I really do."

Erestor forced himself to accept that answer and not question it. Part of him still wondered if Glorfindel wouldn’t prefer to be with Elrond, but he refused to dwell on that subject any longer. "This is happening awfully fast, is it not?"

Glorfindel nodded again. "But I do not mind, I am glad you are here for me." Smiling, he turned in Erestor’s embrace until they faced each other. He raised a hand and gently caressed the raven-haired Elf’s face. Slowly, he leaned in closer and pressed his lips against Erestor’s, who tenderly returned the kiss.

Erestor’s heart fluttered with delight now that Glorfindel was kissing him. He hadn’t dared to hope that the blond would ever take the initiative like this. Maybe Mandos had kept his word and had taken away the worst of Glorfindel’s memories; he hoped so. The Elda’s current actions seemed to confirm that.

He eagerly gave in when Glorfindel placed his hands on his shoulders, slowly pushing him down until he was flat on his back. His body tingled when Glorfindel placed his body atop of him, enfolding him in a tight hug whilst continuing to kiss him. This felt nice -- no, better than nice -- this felt divine. After all these centuries of loneliness he was finally holding his beloved in his arms.

Glorfindel slowly pulled away and gave Erestor an adoring smile. "I feel a lot better now. That must be due to your kisses."

Erestor couldn’t help himself; he giggled.

Chuckling as well, Glorfindel pressed another kiss onto Erestor’s lips. "I want to go outside and walk in the gardens. I do not want to stay inside."

"Of course we can go outside." Erestor would do anything to please his lover. "But that means you will need to change into more formal clothes. We cannot go outside wearing our sleeping robes."

Glorfindel nodded eagerly. "Let us change then. I want to walk in the sun!"

Erestor placed a kiss on the blond’s brow. "Aye, let us get you into the sun!"


Tired, Elrohir opened the door to his rooms. He never expected Elladan to literally jump him and pull him toward the bed. Studying his twin carefully, Elrohir wondered about the excitement in his brother’s eyes. "Elladan, I am tired."

"You must listen to me, Elrohir!" Elladan gently pushed Elrohir onto the bed. Enthusiastically he began pacing the room, wildly gesturing whilst he spoke. "Elrohir, you won’t believe this, but it actually happened!"

Elrohir resigned himself to Elladan’s enthusiasm. "What won’t I believe?" He wished he could lie down and sleep instead of listening, but it was obvious that Elladan needed to tell him now. His twin seemed ready to burst with excitement.

"Ada is in love!" exclaimed Elladan enthusiastically. "He tried to deny it at first, but it is rather obvious!"

"In love?" Elrohir raised an eyebrow inquisitively. "Who is he in love with then? Anyone I know?" His curiosity had been piqued. He couldn’t possibly think of anyone his father would want to be with in that way.

"An injured Elf from ‘Lórien arrived a few days ago and Ada has been tending to him ever since. Ada admitted to me that he was falling in love, but he refuses to tell Haldir!"

"Haldir?" That name sounded familiar to Elrohir. "Does he have any brothers?"

Elrohir nodded once. "Rúmil and—"

"Orophin," finished Elrohir for Elladan. "I met Orophin once when I was visiting Nana in ‘Lórien. If Haldir takes after his brother, Ada might be in for some interesting moments."

Now it was Elladan’s time to raise an eyebrow. "Interesting moments?"

"Orophin is a flirt," said Elrohir, smiling brightly. "He showed me around and we often took strolls. Now do not look at me like that! Nothing happened! He felt I was too young." Elrohir shook his head, grinning. "I tried to change his mind, but failed."

"A flirt?" Elladan’s enthusiasm faded away. "A flirt is not good enough for Ada."

"Aiya, I might have phrased that the wrong way," said Elrohir thoughtfully, "Orophin may flirt, but that does not mean he just beds anyone he likes."

"Oh," whispered Elladan. "I am no longer sure if I should…"

"Should what?" Elrohir could tell his brother was up to something. He knew that expression only too well. It usually meant that they would end up in trouble. "Tell me."

"I was thinking about telling Haldir that Ada likes him in that way. I doubt Ada will do that himself and I want him to be happy." His expression grew sad. "I thought he was happy with Glorfindel, but looking at it now, I do not think he was. Really happy, I mean."

"You are right," said Elrohir, sighing, "But I am not sure you should meddle in this, Elladan."

"If I don’t, nothing will happen. Ada looks tired, and miserable. You have not seen him these last few days, but he does not look well, and even less happy. Maybe Haldir can render that."

"And what if Haldir is not interested in Ada?" asked Elrohir, concerned that Elrond’s feelings might be hurt by Elladan’s manipulations. "Just be careful, Elladan. We do not want to make Ada even more miserable."

"So you will help me?" Elladan turned on the puppy dog look, eyeing his twin pleadingly. "Please, I know that you want Ada to be happy too! What do we have to lose? Nothing!"

Elrohir shook his head, sighing deeply. "I am not so sure about this."

"Maybe you will change your opinion after a good night’s sleep." Elladan began to fuss over his brother. He knew how to wind Elrohir around his little finger. "Let me help you undress and then I will fetch you some food from the kitchen. You must be hungry and tired."

Elrohir let Elladan help him remove his clothes. Lying down, he pulled the sheet up to his shoulders. "I would like something to eat… and some wine." Maybe Elladan was right and he would think differently about this matter after a good night’s sleep.

Elladan energetically walked over to the doorway. "Try to stay awake until I get back, brother!"

"I will try," said Elrohir, smiling. After Elladan had left the room, he mumbled, "But you had better hurry, because I am awfully tired." He hoped he could stay awake until Elladan returned with his food.


Elrond lost himself in Haldir’s handsome features. The hazel eyes, once more vacant with healing sleep, seemed to pull him closer, making it hard for him to leave the room. He should have returned to his study an hour ago, but the pleasure that he found in just looking at the silver-haired Elf made him stay. It had been ages since someone had captivated him like this.

/Celebrían was the last one to capture my heart./ He had loved his wife dearly and had cried bitter tears at her departure. If only he had been able to heal her completely, but the emotional wounds had been too deep and had begun to mentally poison her. Sailing to Valinor was the only way to ensure her sanity and happiness.

And now he found that his heart was fluttering madly. Butterflies tickled his insides and an adoring smile surfaced on his face. There was a unique beauty to Haldir and he hoped that the silver-haired Elf’s character was as stunning as his appearance. /But why am I pondering these things? Haldir is quickly recovering and he will return to the Golden Wood shortly./

Curious, Elrond leaned in closer to stroke back a strand of wayward hair that had settled in Haldir’s face. Brushing it away, he tucked it behind a pointed ear. Suddenly, Haldir stirred at his touch and the eyes quickly filled with awareness.

Elrond involuntarily held his breath, feeling caught. Shaking himself mentally, he forced himself to smile. "You have slept for several hours."

Haldir blinked once, focusing on the half-Elf, who quickly moved away from him. He could tell Elrond felt somewhat uncomfortable, being caught in a gesture that could be considered intimate. Shifting cautiously on the bed, Haldir found that the agony in his leg had vanished. There was some mild discomfort, but not enough to seriously bother him.

"How do you fair, Haldir? Are you still in any pain?" Elrond leaned back into the comfort of the chair, increasing the distance between them. He carefully hid the attraction he felt toward the silver-haired Elf.

"The pain is gone. Thank you for looking after my injury. The healers in Lothlórien had given up."

Hearing that surprised Elrond. "How long have you been ill? When did that poisoned arrow hit you?"

"About one turn of the moon ago," said Haldir, pushing himself into an upright position. A sigh left his lips and hearing it made Elrond lean in closer in obvious concern. "I am well," said Haldir, reassuring the half-Elf. "I just want to find out how much I can move about. How much longer before I can leave this bed?"

Elrond smiled fondly at hearing Haldir’s impatient tone. "Haldir, you still need to rest. Orc poison is strong and it takes time for your body to deal with it."

"I feel well enough to leave my bed," said Haldir stubbornly.

"Nay, you will rest for at least one more day. Do not leave your bed yet." Elrond forced himself to rise from the chair. He would have loved to spend more time with Haldir, but that would only strengthen this attraction. "I will leave you now so you may rest. A servant will bring you something to eat later."

Haldir wondered about the half-Elf. The sensual attraction was still there and he knew they both felt it. So why was Elrond fighting this? Weren’t they old and wise enough to simply acknowledge this attraction? Or was Elrond just waiting for him to make that first move? Well, that could be arranged.

Clearing his throat, he looked at Elrond from beneath luscious eyelashes. "I hope you do not consider me forward, but I was wondering if that invitation to dinner still stands. I would like to properly thank you for your care."

"You have already thanked me sufficiently," replied Elrond, feeling hopeful now that Haldir had mentioned the dinner invitation. "Aye, it still stands."

"Then I accept. Maybe I can join you for dinner tonight?" Why waste any time? Haldir smiled warmly, hoping the half-Elf took the hint.

Elrond wondered about Haldir’s eagerness and allowed himself to grow hopeful that maybe the silver-haired Elf was interested in him as well. "Aye. But not tonight though. I do think you should rest."

"Tomorrow, then?" asked Haldir, hopeful.

Elrond wondered if it was wise to encourage this, but then he nodded eagerly. "Tomorrow it is."

Haldir grinned victoriously. "I am already looking forward to dinner."

Elrond grew slightly flustered at hearing the purring quality to Haldir’s voice. /Is he trying to seduce me?/ And he had just agreed to have dinner with the silver-haired Elf! What had he gotten himself into? "I will talk to you tomorrow, then."

Haldir gracefully inclined his head. "We will talk." Amused, he raised an eyebrow, seeing Elrond almost flee the room. /Ah, lirimaer, prepare to be seduced!/


Glorfindel had thoroughly enjoyed their walk in the rose gardens. The flowers’ rich fragrances had had a calming effect on him and by the time they returned to Erestor’s rooms, Glorfindel felt at peace.

Sitting down on the bed, he looked at Erestor, who had briefly detoured to the kitchen to fetch them dinner. Time had passed quickly whilst walking in the gardens. His first reaction was to wave away the food, but his stomach protested, growling loudly. "I must be hungrier than I thought!"

Erestor placed the tray on the floor in front of the fireplace and sat cross-legged on the nearby rug. Glorfindel joined him, realizing he was practically drooling at the sight of the food. He ate small bites of everything, but found that he was hungry for something completely different. Although the stew tasted excellent it was not what he wanted -- what he craved.

Erestor caught Glorfindel’s slightly disappointed expression. "Is something wrong?"

Glorfindel gave his lover an apologetic look. "I crave something else."

"Tell me what it is that you crave and I will bring it to you." Erestor smiled warmly. He would do anything to please his lover.

"Sweet cake… Cake with raisins, apples and cinnamon." Saliva gathered in his mouth, just saying the words. "Maybe with roasted nuts and some sugar."

Erestor smiled broadly. What Glorfindel wanted was a treat usually given to Elflings and he was perfectly capable of acquiring it. "Anything else?"

"Hot milk… with honey!" Glorfindel enthusiastically nodded his head several times. "Aye, I would like that. Cake and milk."

Erestor got to his feet and headed for the doorway. "I will be back in a few minutes."

Glorfindel looked at the bed, as if considering something. "I might lie down for a while."

Erestor nodded. "Make yourself comfortable. I will be back with your cake and milk shortly." After closing the door behind him, he made his way to the kitchen. /That particular cake used to be my favorite as well. Even when I was an Elfling it was popular. I might just try some myself./


Erestor smiled broadly. What Glorfindel wanted was a treat usually given to Elflings and he was perfectly capable of acquiring it. "Anything else?"

"Hot milk… with honey!" Glorfindel enthusiastically nodded his head several times. "Aye, I would like that. Cake and milk."

Erestor got to his feet and headed for the doorway. "I will be back in a few minutes."

Glorfindel looked at the bed, as if considering something. "I might lie down for a while."

Erestor nodded. "Make yourself comfortable. I will be back with your cake and milk shortly." After closing the door behind him, he made his way to the kitchen. /That particular cake used to be my favorite as well. Even when I was an Elfling it was popular. I might just try some myself./


When Erestor returned to his rooms, he found that Glorfindel had uncovered his chess game. He hadn’t played for ages and had forgotten he even possessed one. Glorfindel, looking at him, shot him a startled glance.

"I did not want to infringe on your privacy, but I saw it on top of your closet and I wondered if you would like to play against me?" Glorfindel smiled seductively. He had made himself comfortable in Erestor’s bed, propping a pile of pillows behind his back. But thoughts about the game were quickly forgotten when cinnamon and other spices invaded his nostrils. "You managed to get your hands on that cake!"

Fondly, Erestor smiled at the blond. After placing the tray on the bed, he sat down and moved into place beside Glorfindel. "I even brought you hot milk." Seeing Glorfindel’s eyes widen with pleasure, warmth descended onto him. "You can have as much as you want. There is more in the kitchen."

Glorfindel actually licked his lips. Reaching for the cake, he tore off a small piece and greedily put it into his mouth. "Mmmmmm…" It was delicious! After giving Erestor a thankful look, he proceeded to eat more of the sweet cake. Only belatedly did he offer Erestor some. "I am so sorry…" Breaking off a small piece, he lifted his hand and signaled for the raven-haired Elf to open his mouth.

Erestor obeyed, and involuntarily his tongue caressed one of Glorfindel’s fingertips when the blond pushed the cake inside. Bestowing another lick onto the digit, he was surprised to see his lover blush.

Feeling strangely shy, Glorfindel giggled. "I do not know what is wrong with me," he confessed, finishing the cake and then reaching for his mug filled with hot milk and honey.

Erestor studied his partner, having a fairly good idea what had upset the blond’s internal balance. It had to be the pregnancy.

Glorfindel gulped down the milk now that it had slightly cooled and then pleadingly looked at Erestor from beneath long eyelashes.

"Go ahead," said Erestor amused, as he handed the Elda his mug as well.

"Thank you!" Glorfindel sipped slowly this time, studying Erestor in turn. "You think it is…the… baby." He had to force himself to call it that. He still thought of it as an abomination. Part of him still couldn’t understand that Erestor willingly accepted the product of Saruman’s spell in their lives.

Erestor saw the puzzled look in Glorfindel’s eyes. "I love your son because I love you."

"I cannot be that simple."

"It *is* that simple," said Erestor warmly. Now that Glorfindel had eaten the cake and drunk the milk, he placed the tray on the floor. "So you want to play chess… It has been ages since I last played. I doubt I will be much of a worthy opponent."

"It has been decades since I played," said Glorfindel, returning Erestor’s smile. "We will be evenly matched then."

"I hope so." After Erestor had brushed a wayward lock of blond hair behind Glorfindel’s ear, they smiled and concentrated on the game.

When Erestor returned to his rooms, he found that Glorfindel had uncovered his chess game. He hadn’t played for ages and had forgotten he even possessed one. Glorfindel, looking at him, shot him a startled glance.

"I did not want to infringe on your privacy, but I saw it on top of your closet and I wondered if you would like to play against me?" Glorfindel smiled seductively. He had made himself comfortable in Erestor’s bed, propping a pile of pillows behind his back. But thoughts about the game were quickly forgotten when cinnamon and other spices invaded his nostrils. "You managed to get your hands on that cake!"

Fondly, Erestor smiled at the blond. After placing the tray on the bed, he sat down and moved into place beside Glorfindel. "I even brought you hot milk." Seeing Glorfindel’s eyes widen with pleasure, warmth descended onto him. "You can have as much as you want. There is more in the kitchen."

Glorfindel actually licked his lips. Reaching for the cake, he tore off a small piece and greedily put it into his mouth. "Mmmmmm…" It was delicious! After giving Erestor a thankful look, he proceeded to eat more of the sweet cake. Only belatedly did he offer Erestor some. "I am so sorry…" Breaking off a small piece, he lifted his hand and signaled for the raven-haired Elf to open his mouth.

Erestor obeyed, and involuntarily his tongue caressed one of Glorfindel’s fingertips when the blond pushed the cake inside. Bestowing another lick onto the digit, he was surprised to see his lover blush.

Feeling strangely shy, Glorfindel giggled. "I do not know what is wrong with me," he confessed, finishing the cake and then reaching for his mug filled with hot milk and honey.

Erestor studied his partner, having a fairly good idea what had upset the blond’s internal balance. It had to be the pregnancy.

Glorfindel gulped down the milk now that it had slightly cooled and then pleadingly looked at Erestor from beneath long eyelashes.

"Go ahead," said Erestor amused, as he handed the Elda his mug as well.

"Thank you!" Glorfindel sipped slowly this time, studying Erestor in turn. "You think it is…the… baby." He had to force himself to call it that. He still thought of it as an abomination. Part of him still couldn’t understand that Erestor willingly accepted the product of Saruman’s spell in their lives.

Erestor saw the puzzled look in Glorfindel’s eyes. "I love your son because I love you."

"I cannot be that simple."

"It *is* that simple," said Erestor warmly. Now that Glorfindel had eaten the cake and drunk the milk, he placed the tray on the floor. "So you want to play chess… It has been ages since I last played. I doubt I will be much of a worthy opponent."

"It has been decades since I played," said Glorfindel, returning Erestor’s smile. "We will be evenly matched then."

"I hope so." After Erestor had brushed a wayward lock of blond hair behind Glorfindel’s ear, they smiled and concentrated on the game.

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